Motorcycle accidents can result in severe and permanent injuries or death. Many states have made it illegal for motorcycle riders and passengers to operate a motorcycle without a helmet. Any accident involving a motorcycle is likely to throw the rider and any passengers to the ground, potentially causing significant injuries to the head and other parts of the body. In addition, safety is a big concern for motorcycle riders because they lack the same physical protections that other vehicles provide. Motorcyclists are physically vulnerable and may suffer severe injuries even in a minor accident.
Many people are unaware that they have the right to file a claim for their injuries after an accident. If you have been injured as a motorcycle rider or passenger in an accident involving another vehicle, you may have a viable claim for damages. The viability of your claim will depend, in part, on how much relevant evidence you can provide to prove the other party’s liability.
Consult a Philadelphia motorcycle accident lawyer to help you seek a fair and appropriate settlement for your injuries. Before we talk more about pursuing a lawsuit, here are a few critical facts you should know about motorcycle accidents.
Fact 1: Motorcyclists Are Likely to Suffer Severe Injuries
Motorcycle riders are likely to suffer more injuries than drivers of other vehicles. This is because motorcycles can travel at high speeds and there are not many safety precautions that a motorcyclist can take. Wearing a helmet is one of the most important safety precautions to follow, as it can save you from critical injuries. Even with a helmet, however, a motorcycle accident can still lead to devastation.
Fact 2: Helmets Can Reduce the Risk of Death
When a victim is not wearing a helmet, they may suffer permanent injuries. In serious cases, these injuries can lead to the death of the motorcyclist. It is recommended to wear a helmet and take all other necessary precautions, including following the rules of the road.
There are some states where it is not mandatory to wear a helmet. However, you should consider wearing a helmet as a personal safety precaution regardless of state law to protect yourself. According to recent statistics, wearing a helmet can reduce the risk of motorcycle accident fatalities by approximately 37%. Data show that motorcyclist death rates resulting from failure to wear a helmet have decreased in recent years. All of this information demonstrates how important it is to wear a helmet and take safety precautions when operating or riding a motorcycle.
Fact 3: Motorcyclists Are Also Responsible Drivers
There is an old stereotype about motorcyclists that they are a wild bunch who throw caution to the wind and break laws with reckless abandon. Even insurance agencies try to use these dated stereotypes to reduce the amount they will pay out on a motorcycle accident claim, or the insurers may deny a claim outright. Insurance agents often accuse motorcyclists of traveling too fast or breaking other rules of the road. These are some of the common statements motorcyclists hear.
It is unfair to treat motorcyclists differently than other motor vehicle drivers. All motor vehicle drivers have the potential to make mistakes from time to time. It is important to treat every crash as a unique event, regardless of the vehicles involved, and investigate it thoroughly and fairly. If there has been an injury or property damage, the accident should be reported to the police. The police can investigate and complete an official report. This report may help you get a fair share of compensation for your injuries.
Fact 4: Motorcyclists Safety Courses Can Help You Ride Safely
Safety education is essential. All new motorcyclists should consider taking a motorcycle safety course. There are likely to be several state or private courses offered in your area. The safety course can help you learn how to ride in different situations. Your safety should be your number one priority, and a safety course can teach you the tricks you need to avoid serious accidents and injuries.
Fact 5: Operating a Motorcycle Under the Influence of Alcohol is Illegal
Whether it is a car, bike, or any other vehicle, every driver must avoid operating their vehicle while they are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Alcohol consumption can lead to unnecessary accidents and injuries to you, other motorists, and pedestrians. Moreover, operating a motorcycle under the influence of alcohol or other substances is against the law. You could wind up facing both civil and criminal penalties.
Fact 6: Motorcycle Riders Can Recover Compensation and File a Claim
The cost of a motorcycle accident may vary from situation to situation. A crash can lead to harmful physical, mental, and financial consequences, as well as seriously affect the overall quality of the victim’s life. Riders often sustain serious injuries that compromise their ability to work and earn a living. Regardless of the severity of the injuries, personal injury law allows victims to recover compensation for damages related to the accident.
Many victims fear the litigation process and do not proceed with viable claims, but a lawsuit is only necessary for situations in which negotiations fail to result in a fair settlement offer.
A Philadelphia personal injury attorney can help you deal with the insurance company and can negotiate on your behalf. If you were injured in a motorcycle accident, you should consider getting in touch with a legal professional to guide you on the legal options available to you.