Daycare Injury In Philadelphia
One of the hardest experiences for a parent is allowing a Daycare to watch over your child while you work. It is equally difficult for some children to separate from their parent(s) when attending. For the parent, the primary concern is always their child’s safety while they are under the wing of a Daycare center. However, not every child who attends a Daycare comes out of the experience without Injury of some sort.
Too often, daycare facilities are understaffed, overcrowded, or have dangerous conditions within their environments. As a parent, nothing is more terrifying than the idea that someone has endangered or negligently treated your child. When you leave your daughter or son with a childcare provider, you trust that they will keep your child safe and out of harm’s reach. It is usual for a child to suffer from some minor bruises and scrapes.
However, suppose your child has suffered harm while in a childcare facility, or you must leave work early to rush to the hospital because your child was seriously injured. In that case, you might be curious about your options to protect your child and pursue the maximum compensation they deserve.
The National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS) collects data used by government agencies such as the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). The NEISS collects current injury data associated with consumer products from the U.S.
Hospital Emergency Departments across the country estimate the number and types of consumer product-related injuries. By their estimates, just in 2014, there were over 70,000 injuries to children between the age of 0-4 from nursery equipment in the United States alone. Playgrounds account for another approximately 60,000 injuries annually in the USA among children 0-4 years of age.
Children, if left alone, are prone to get injured from table tipping, chairs, window shades, lead paint, assaults by other children, and other injury-producing possibilities. At The Law Offices of Greg Prosmushkin, P.C., our injury attorneys in Philadelphia and staff have the skill and experience necessary to represent you on behalf of your child.
Suppose you or a loved one has a child injured while in the custody and care of a child Daycare center, give us a call. The consultation is always free and guaranteed.
When parents enroll their child or children in Daycare, they pay for those employees to care for and watch over their children to keep them safe. Most injuries that occur while a child is at a Daycare are due to neglect on the part of an employee or employees who staff that Daycare facility. Often, there are not enough employees to properly supervise the number of children enrolled.
Other times, it is a case of simple neglect leading to a child’s injury. The statistics listed above prove that if a child is not supervised correctly, serious injuries can result and that they can happen with the most innocuous products, like a window shade that has pull lines that can get wrapped around a child’s throat.
Playground injuries and injuries that occur with blankets or food are commonplace with children in daycare. Here at The Law Offices of Greg Prosmushkin, P.C., we find injuries at daycares completely unacceptable. If there are not enough employees to watch over the children at a Daycare, then they simply should not be operating.
Potential injuries in young children, including older ones:
- Brain Damage from lead paint poisoning.
- Cuts and bruises from improper supervision.
- Injuries from furniture tipping.
- Fractures from improperly being supervised around other kids, especially in playgrounds.
- Suffocation from pillows or blankets where the child is not being monitored.
- Strangulations from chords to window shades.
- Poisoning.
- Mental Injuries from abusive workers at the daycare.
At The Law Offices of Greg Prosmushkin, P.C., our legal team is able and ready to handle any case against a Daycare center. Contact Us, or email us for a prompt response. The consultation is always free.