It is not uncommon to see police officers parked on motorcycles or in cars at busy intersections and roadways in Princeton looking for traffic infractions and pointing at vehicles to pull over to the side of the road.
A traffic ticket can come with some unwanted consequences aside from the hassle of being embarrassed for having to pull over your vehicle. In addition to the fine, you have been burdened with you will even notice that your car insurance premiums have increased.
There are other options than paying the fine, and thus admitting to your guilt. You have the option to fight your traffic ticket and get professional help from an attorney who will represent you in court.
If you received a traffic ticket in Princeton, NJ, you are probably wondering what you can do to mitigate the potential consequences you are facing. An experienced and knowledgeable attorney can help you to develop a sound defense and/or negotiate with the prosecutor on your behalf.
While many traffic offenses may at first glance seem to be of relatively minimal consequence to you, this often is not the case. Traffic Tickets can include penalties well beyond the obvious pecuniary as provided on the ticket or explained to you in court.
Many traffic offenses will lead to points on your license, increased insurance premiums, and even a loss of license. Do not leave yourself vulnerable to the whims of the court; hire counsel to make sure you get the best outcome possible. The Law Offices of Greg Prosmushkin, P.C. can help. Call today to schedule a free consultation with one of our Traffic Lawyers.
Examples of Traffic Tickets in Princeton
The following is a list of many of the more common tickets levied in Princeton, New Jersey and the possible implications of being found guilty of each corresponding offense (the following is not a complete list and please recognize that the information we provide is meant to inform by supplementation, not serve as a substitution for correspondence with counsel):
- Speeding Tickets:: These tickets come with varying points and financial penalties, and can affect your driving privileges and insurance premiums.
- Red Light Tickets: This ticket adds 2 points to your license, and can impact your driving privileges and insurance premiums.
- Careless Driving Tickets: This ticket adds 2 points to your license, and can impact your driving privileges and insurance premiums.
- Reckless Driving Tickets: This ticket adds 5 points, may carry a suspension of your license, and will negatively affect your insurance premiums.
- Stop Sign Tickets: This ticket adds 2 points to your license, and can impact your driving privileges and insurance premiums.
- Failing to Stop for a School Bus: This ticket adds 5 points to your license, may carry a suspension of your license, and will negatively impact your insurance premiums.
- Racing and Drag Racing Tickets: This ticket adds 5 points to your license, may carry a suspension of your license, and will negatively impact your insurance premiums.
- Driving with a Suspended License Ticket: This ticket may carry a suspension of your license, and will negatively impact your insurance premiums.
- Driving Without a Licensed Ticket: This ticket may carry a suspension for any second or subsequent offense within a five year period.
- Driving Without Insurance Ticket: This ticket may carry a suspension of your license, and will negatively impact your insurance premiums.
- Improper Passing: This ticket adds 4 points to your license, and can impact your driving privileges and insurance premiums.
Do I need a Princeton Traffic Ticket Lawyer?
Only with the assistance of counsel can you make an informed legal decision with respect to your case. Legal and financial consequences are often more complicated than you anticipate, as traffic offenses contain both criminal and civil components which impact the consequences of the ticket.
Counsel can determine what the likely consequences will be, and how to best resolve the ordeal with respect to both components. Call The Law Offices of Greg Prosmushkin, P.C. to speak with one of our traffic lawyers concerning your legal needs.