SEPTA Accident In Philadelphia
Our buses and commuter trains are generally safe, reliable, and practical means of transportation and important services frequently used by millions. However, serious accidents occur when using SEPTA or your local mass transit authority in New Jersey, and our experienced attorneys are here to help those injured.
We offer a free consultation to all potential clients, and our diverse legal team speaks fluent Spanish, Russian, Polish, and Ukrainian, in addition to English.
Aggressive, Results-Driven Attorneys for Your Challenging Case
Although bus and commuter train collisions are rare, they occur. Our lawyers will seek to prove liability and obtain the money you need to deal with medical bills, lost wages, and other serious consequences.
Our relevant experience in other serious Car Accident and Slip-and-Fall cases, including valuable knowledge gained from time spent working inside insurance companies, can be a tremendous asset if you have been injured while:
- Riding a SEPTA bus or train which is struck by another vehicle
- Boarding or getting off a SEPTA Bus or commuter train due to improper cleaning, poor maintenance, or obstacles that cause you to fall
- Driving or riding in a car or truck involved in an accident with a SEPTA bus or train
We Take Strong Action for Victims of Accidents on SEPTA Property
The idea of taking legal action against the Southeast Pennsylvania Transportation Authority or any other large public organization may be intimidating. At The Law Offices of Greg Prosmushkin, P.C., we know how to assess your Injury case, and we will not be intimidated by the size or standing of the opposition.
If someone’s negligence has caused you to get hurt, we are well-equipped to establish the facts and hold them responsible. After any SEPTA Accident or other injury-causing event, our goal is to identify and proceed with the approach most likely to get maximum compensation for our client. We have successfully obtained sizeable settlements in numerous cases involving government concerns and large private companies.
Dedicated Counsel in the Philadelphia, PA
We are aggressive negotiators and proven trial attorneys who will provide an honest, informed answer to the critical question, “Do I have a case?” Beginning with a Free Consultation, you can rely on us to represent your best interests.