Think about how many items you purchase in a week. When you buy something, it is like forming a contract between you and the company that makes the product. You expect to be safe using or consuming whatever you bought. However, if you need a Product Liability Attorney, we are here to help.
At The Law Offices of Greg Prosmushkin, P.C., we want to hold negligent companies and manufacturers liable for injuries or illnesses they cause. Let us get to work investigating what happened so we can secure the compensation you deserve.
What Is The Reality?
It seems like we are always hearing about product recalls on the news. Some of the common ones we hear about are recalls concerning:
- Vehicles
- Toys
- Foods
- Medications
- Medical devices
However, when we take a look at the government website that tracks all recalls in the US, we can see that the problems go much deeper than what we see on the nightly news. Every industry is affected and there are more faulty products than we realize. On any given day, there are hundreds of faulty products on the market and those are just the ones we know about.
How do these items become defective in the first place?
In most cases, one of three things happens:
- The product was poorly designed in the first place but somehow made it through testing and inspections.
- There was a manufacturing error that altered a product from its original design. This can render it harmful to consumers in the same way a poor design does.
- There are problems with the product’s label. This can mean many things:
- Ingredient lists are wrong or missing information
- Hazards and cautions are left off
- Possible allergens are not indicated
- Instructions or dosages are incorrect
In many cases, the injuries and illnesses caused by faulty products are immediately known and visible.
For some products, the problems are not realized until long after they have been on the market. Over the last few years, we have seen many cases of products causing cancer after years of use (RoundUp weed killer, Johnson & Johnson baby powder, etc.).
Taking The Next Steps
We all make purchases without ever thinking about whether or not the item we are getting will cause harm to us or someone we love. However, if a faulty product does cause an Injury, then you need to seek legal assistance immediately. At The Law Offices of Greg Prosmushkin, P.C., our team will get to work investigating what happened. In many cases, faulty products are a nation-wide problem and are related to other cases.
We will work to secure the following:
- Coverage of Medical Expenses
- Recovery of lost wages if you cannot work
- Pain and suffering damages
- Loss of enjoyment of life damages
- Punitive damages against the company or manufacturer
If you need a Lindenwold Product Liability Attorney, you can contact us for a Free Consultation By Clicking Here or calling (215)-799-9990