Although comedy films make slipping and falling out to be a humorous experience worthy of uproarious laughter, the sad truth is that slip and fall injuries can result in a tremendous amount of pain and suffering for the victim.
This fact is made doubly sad when the injury could have been prevented if liable parties had taken reasonable and responsible actions to keep it from happening. These preventable injuries can cause severe injuries and even permanent disability and chronic pain forever afterward for the victim.
If you were hurt and want to discuss the legal options available to you with a King of Prussia Slip and Fall Accident Lawyer, contact The Law Offices of Greg Prosmushkin, P.C. today.
Slip and Fall Accidents Can Cause Major Harm
One slip can cause awful injuries such as bone fractures and even Brain Injury or Spinal Cord Injury. These injuries could lead to a lifetime of disability even after all available medical treatment options have been exhausted.
Such treatments can be costly, too, leaving victims bleeding out of their wallets even after the bleeding of their injuries has been stanched.
Recovery Can be a Long Road
Grueling sessions of physical therapy and other rehabilitative therapies could be needed after a Slip and Fall Accident, involving months if not years of treatment just to return to baseline—and some victims, such as those who suffer spinal cord damage or brain injury as a result of their accident—may never be able to return to that baseline again, finding their lives drastically and permanently altered after their injury, all through no fault of their own.
Victims Deserve to Have Their Voices be Heard
Slip and fall accident victims do not have to suffer in silence, and we believe their voices should be heard. Accident victims and their families have the right to seek justice through the civil courts, and our attorneys can help advocate for you and your loved ones so that you can be made whole after being injured after slipping and falling.
For example, if your accident occurred in a restaurant with a freshly mopped walkway and no “wet floor” warning sign was present to caution customers to step with care, the restaurant can be held liable for your injuries in court.
King of Prussia Slip and Fall Attorneys
If you need a Slip and Fall Lawyer in King of Prussia, give us a call. The attorneys at The Law Offices of Greg Prosmushkin, P.C. are slip and fall accident litigation specialists, and we can take on your case in pursuit of recovering damages.
Medical treatment costs, pain and suffering, severity of injury, lost wages due to being too injured to work—these are all factors the civil courts consider when assessing the amount of damages.
The courts can then compel the liable party to pay these damages out to victims in the form of financial compensation, and as your attorneys, we will fight to get you every dollar you deserve. Call Today for a Free Case Evaluation.