Every time we get behind the wheel of a car, we take a risk. The risk that we could suffer major injuries or even fatal injuries in a car accident is amplified when another driver’s negligence comes into play.
Negligent drivers—such as red-light runners who fail to stop, distracted drivers trying to text while driving, and people driving at high speeds—can wreak havoc on innocent people’s lives when they cause an accident.
If you were hurt in a car crash and want to discuss your legal options with a Auto Crash Lawyer in Horsham, contact The Law Offices of Greg Prosmushkin, P.C. to speak to an expert attorney about building a case for the civil courts.
Car Accidents Can be Devastating
Catastrophic Injuries are not an uncommon outcome when car crashes happen. In the blink of an eye, your whole life can be forever changed. Severe lacerations, compound fractures, Brain Injury and Spinal Cord Injury are all possible when you are involved in a collision, even with airbag technology and seatbelts. All too often, people can suffer devastating injuries through no fault of their own.
Car Accidents Facts
Data released by the Association for Safe International Road Travel (ASIRT) estimate that 1.25 million people lose their lives in Traffic Accidents across the world each year, with approximately 37,000 of these Deaths taking place in the United States alone.
Of these U.S. traffic-related fatalities, an estimated 1,600 are children under the age of 15. More than 2 million people suffer injuries as a result of road accidents in the U.S. annually, and according to information released by the Insurance Information Institute, more than 1,100 people were killed as a result of Traffic Accidents in Pennsylvania in 2017. Car accidents and other road accidents cost more than 230 billion dollars per year.
Injury Victims Can Get Justice in Court
You have the right to hold the liable party accountable for the damage they caused in court. If another person’s negligence caused your injuries, you can sue them in an effort to be awarded court-compelled cash compensation.
While money cannot heal wounds, getting the financial compensation you are entitled to under the law can help ease the financial strain that many accident victims and their families find themselves under after being involved in a car accident.
Horsham Car Accident Attorneys
If you need a Car Accident Lawyer in Horsham, the attorneys at The Law Offices of Greg Prosmushkin, P.C. can assist you with filing a claim. Our attorneys are committed to providing clients with top-tier legal advocacy in the civil courts.
We will work to help you pursue the recovery of damages in your case. Damages are assessed and assigned a dollar amount based on several factors, including the pain and suffering you endured, the costs of medical and rehabilitative care stemming from the accident-related injuries, and lost wages due to being too injured to work.
The damages can then be paid out to you, the victim, in the form of a cash award. Contact Us Today for a Free Consultation.