You probably never spend time thinking about what would happen if you or a loved one get hurt on someone else’s property. However, there may be a time when you need a Bethlehem Premises Liability Lawyer.
At The Law Offices of Greg Prosmushkin, P.C., we have the knowledge and experience you need to help you through this. If the negligence of a property owner or the people who work for them has caused you harm, we will work to secure the compensation you need.
Why These Injuries Should be Taken Seriously?
When you go onto another person’s property, you should never have to watch out for something that could cause you or a loved one harm. Think about all of the places you go on a regular basis:
- Your office building
- The grocery store
- The bank
- Schools
- The local park
- The courthouse
The list could go on. Everywhere you go and have the right to be should be safe. Property owners and the people who work for them have a duty to ensure they Regularly Inspect and Maintain all areas of their property.
This begins in the Parking Lot and continues to the rest of their premises. For buildings, this includes ensuring that stairs, displays, benches, railings, elevators, and more are well-maintained.
Employees have a duty to regularly check for spills or leaks that could cause Slip and Fall incidents. Falls are the number one cause of premises liability cases.
It is vital that wet floors are mopped and marked with “wet floor” signs to ensure patron safety. All loose flooring should be repaired and lose carpeting needs to be removed. Low-lying obstacles need to be removed to prevent trip and fall incidents.
It is not uncommon for us to see the following as a result of premises incidents:
- Broken and dislocated bones
- Severe lacerations
- Spinal Cord Injuries
- Whiplash injuries
- Head Injuries
It is important that a victim of these injuries seek medical treatment as soon as possible, regardless of how minor an injury may seem. Some injuries do not show signs or symptoms for hours or even days after they occur.
If you can, document the scene and the cause of the incident for proof of what happened. Report the incident to store employees or management.
Call a Bethlehem Premises Liability Attorney
If you or someone you love has been injured due to the careless or negligent actions of a property owner or someone who works for them, please seek legal assistance as soon as you can.
The team at The Law Offices of Greg Prosmushkin, P.C. is ready to get to work on your behalf. We will handle insurance companies and other parties as we move to secure compensation for:
- Your medical expenses related to the incident
- Recovery of lost wages if you are unable to work
- Pain and suffering damages
- Loss of enjoyment of life damages
- Punitive damages against the property owner
If you need a Bethlehem Premises Liability Attorney, you can contact us for a Free Consultation by Clicking Here or calling (215)-799-9990