As a consumer, you no doubt have confidence that the products that you buy will be safe for you and your family to use once you get them home. If you buy a car, you don’t plan on it having a major flaw that will result in a serious accident, nor do you expect that the surgical mesh your doctor implants inside you during a routine hernia repair will come back to cause you major health complications.
And yet, it happens all the time. In spite of the many consumer protection laws that are in place in our country, dangerous products slip through the cracks, and when they do, innocent consumers are hurt as a result.
Our Bensalem Product Liability Attorney has years of experience representing injured consumers and fighting for their rights against the big insurance companies representing manufacturers and distributors of hazardous consumer products. You have legal rights, and it is our mission to protect them.
Product Liability Law
Injuries that consumers sustain when using faulty or dangerous products may be covered under various product liability laws. The most common cause of dangerous products making it to market is negligence; for example, a manufacturer does not assemble a product correctly, the product fails, and the consumer is hurt as a result.
The manufacturer of products for sale in the United States has a legal obligation to take reasonable care to ensure that their products are safe. A breach in the manufacturing chain—from the design of the product to its build—can all lead to injuries that are devastating to the end user of the product.
Once the product reaches market, the people who market it are required to do so responsibly, which includes making the consumer aware of any possible unsafe uses; for example, dishes that should not be microwaved or medicines that interact with other medicines.
While any particular product can become a dangerous product, some of the most recent dangerous products that have been the focus of product liability claims include:
- Dangerous toys that pose a choking hazard to children
- Toys made with lead-laden materials
- Dog food made with poisonous ingredients
- Cars with safety system failures
- Tires with wall failures
- Personal care products that are linked to cancer, such as certain baby powders
- Baby equipment that poses a risk of injury, like infant walkers and seats
- Heaters that overheat and pose a risk of fire
- Furniture made with metal containing lead
- Lamps that pose a risk of electric shock during operation
- Heavy outdoor power equipment with assembly failures that pose injury risks
Products that pose a risk just by not working may also be the subject of product liability claims. For example, a fire alarm that does not work properly and fails to alert users to fire.
If you have sustained an injury due to a faulty, dangerous or defective product, you need to have an experienced product liability attorney by your side.
Our firm has years of experience helping accident victims get the compensation due to them for product liability losses, helping our clients win damages for medical bills, lost wages and more. Reach out to our Bensalem Product Liability Attorney to set up a Free Consultation and case review now.