A Guide to Obtaining a Green Card While Inside the United States
Q: Can I Get a Green Card Without Having to Leave the United States if I Came as a Tourist, Overstayed My Tourist Visa, Worked without Authorization, and then Met, Fell in Love with and Married a United States Citizen While I Was in this Country Illegally?
A: In this case, your legal entry into the United States would excuse your unlawful presence and unauthorized employment in this country if your U.S. citizen spouse petitions for you to become a lawful permanent resident.
You would then be able to Adjust Your Status to that of lawful permanent resident based upon your marriage to a U.S. citizen without the need to file a waiver, granted that there are no other issues present in your situation.
An Philadelphia Immigration Lawyer with The Law Offices of Greg Prosmushkin P.C. can guide you through every step of this process. Call today for a free consultation at (215)-799-9990